Sale % - Special items at greatly reduced prices

Sale % - Here you can see special items at greatly reduced prices!

Usually, these are top-quality goods without defects, unless expressly stated otherwise in the text. Usually, you will find overproductions, incorrectly cut desired lengths, short parts, customer cancellations or other goods that we offer at greatly reduced prices. Just browse around and find your personal special dicount. 

The reason for the reduction is stated with each item. 
Block ASH-30-C-N-Z1
ASH-30-C-N-Z1: Block for profile rail
Sliding scale prices:
1-2 units per 39,22 EUR
3-5 units per 25,52 EUR
6-9 units per 25,00 EUR
10-24 units per 24,47 EUR
25-49 units per 24,21 EUR
> 49 units per 23,42 EUR
Our standard price 78,44 EUR
Your price 39,22 EUR
You save 50%
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
25 to 25 (from a total of 25)